Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The narratives of oral culture is a reflection of social memory. The folk tales which have an important place in this narratives by means of carring symbols and culturel codes, help to establish strong bounds among persons. Folktale is one of the species of narrative which carried many tenets to future and play active rol in daily life. It transferred person, life and happiness sometimes with extraordinary elements, and sometimes distress and sadness by giving samples above the cases which experienced or probably experienced. It fit the listener/reader for the real life who learned every kind of emotion, situation and event from taleworld and teach them by amusing to struggle for difficulties and overcome them. Keloğlan folktales, carry these mentioned qualities. Humor takes place in life and sometimes shapes social life, which corresponds to the word “gülmece” in Turkish. Throughout history, humor has been assessed in various dimensions. The real issue is the reasons that make laughing happen and the socio-cultural context of these reasons. This context varies according to the societies, and the act of humor varies. Over the centuries, many thinkers have expressed their views on the reasons necessary for the laughter to happen. In this study, Keloğlan, one of the most well-known and most popular folktales in Turkey, will be evaluated within the sample of the folktale of Keloğlan Get Nothing, based on Laughter- An Essay On The Meaning Of The Comic- work by Henri Bergson, who is one of the thinkers on the mentioned subject. Through this folktale, the causes, which make the laughing and comic happen, will be explained, to what and why the society laughing via Keloğlan type will be displayed.

Keloğlan, Folktale, Henri Bergson, Laughing, Society.

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