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Mustafa Kutlu is an important writer who has succeeded in presenting the concepts that he has received from the tradition and the life culture with his folk culture and expression, and he also preferred allegorical narration many times in doing so. His "Kötü Bülbül" story is a parody of the “rose and nightingale” metaphorical statement, which has an important place in Turkish literature and world literature. In the story, a critical attitude to the story of rose and nightingale, which is the allegory of “lover and loved” in classical literature, is mentioned; it has gone beyond the classical connotations of concepts to provide this critique. The new generation of nightingales, sometimes seeking revenge from vandalist sentiments and tradition by resorting to arabesque, desire to break tradition to overcome their apparition. Kutlu, in this story, aimed to create up-text and sub-text by creating layered story layers; while attempting to destroy the tradition in the up-text while trying to present the elements of the absence in the sub-text to the reader. In this study, the authors’ fictional initiatives and the meaning layers they wanted to create were evaluated.

Mustafa Kutlu, Kötü Bülbül, rose and nightingale, fenafillah, destroy the tradition

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