Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Turkey made the starting date of the compilation of the Turkish dialects are based on quite old. The number of undergraduate and graduate studies on dialects has also increased considerably. Although Turkey is like to say that all of the recorded material is not very well possible for the Turkish dialects today. It is also true that there are many things to be done in this matter if we take into account many issues, from compiler to compilation methods, to recording compiled language material from the tools used in compilation. Immediately after the establishment of the Turkish Language Institution in the name of today on July 12, 1932, compilation studies started in our country and the Dictionary of Compilation was prepared today and besides this, the oral studies which have been made have accelerated. However, in this case, Turkey does not mean exactly the recorded material of Turkish dialects of the language. As the assembly language dictionary in Turkey take place all materials in the assembly of Turkish dialects dictionary by lack of meaning in the face of any word / differences also become; as well as some regions where the same sheen passes. All this shows that the compilation activity in our country is not over and that it will contribute to the Compilation Glory. In the handwritten article Erzincan has been presented carefully with the meanings of words that pass in the mouth of Refahiye but have never entered the Compilation Dictionary and are used in different meanings in the region or in the dictionary and not referred to the Erzincan dialects.

dialects, Turkey Turkish dialects, Erzincan, Refahiye.

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