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Sinan Pasha who lived in the fifteenth century is a statesman, intellectual and scholar. He was the son of Hızır Bey who was a great scholar and the first kadi of Istanbul. His name is Yusuf and the nickname is Sinânüddîn. He became famous being called as Hoca Pasha. There is a dispute about his date of birth and place of birth. Many sources wrote that he was born in Istanbul in 1440. With his works named Maârif-nâme and Tazarru-nâme he had an important place in the Turkish-Islamic world of thought. In his works it is obvious that he had a deep knowledge in the fields of literature, religion etc. Sinan Pasha had a sharp intelligence and a superior understanding ability. With this ability, he gained extensive knowledge at a young age. He was extremely generous, kind and tolerant. He did not give importance to worldly affairs and showed great affection to the sufis. Old and new sources agree that Sinan Pasha had a unique style. The works containing the religious and moral advices and having a didactic nature are called as nasihatname or pendname in the Classical Turkish Literature. Some of these works aim to give advice to people. The moral values that are to be found in a wise man and a good stateman are explained in these works. Being written in siyasetname genre Kutadgu Bilig, which is one of the first examples of Turkish Literature and Divan-ı Hikmet, Atabetü'l-Hakâyık and Risaletü’n-Nushiyye which are originally mystical works which contain intensive religious, moral advice helped to develop Islamic understanding that gradually spreading among Turkish communities in that time.

Sinan Paşa, Maarif-name, Advice,ideal person,mysticism, Intellectual Life

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