Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The aim of this research is to try to explain the strong language - culture relations between Turkish and Georgian societies that are from the venerable communities in the Caucasus through concrete and substantial data. The Turkish-Georgian relations, started intensively in the historical period with the Great Seljuks, continued until today from the time of the Anatolian Seljuks and the Ottoman State. Within the scope of qualitative research, document analysis method was used to collect sources on Georgian - Turkish language - culture interaction and they were interpreted after being analyzed and classified. According to the findings, high incidence of common borrowed words was found in Turkish and Georgian languages in terms of language and culture. Common language elements related to almost all areas of cultural life are available in both languages. In particular, it is understood that the common borrowings, which are evidence of language-culture relations on both languages, were of Persian and Arabic origin. For example, in Turkish, the word “çok yaşa”, which is used after the act of sneezing, is expressed in Georgian with the word “canteluba.” Here the word “can”, which is of Persian origin, is also used in Turkish with the same meaning.

Georgian-Turkish, language-culture relation, interaction, word, borrowing words.

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