Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Uighurs are one of the great Turkish empires established in the territory of the Gokturk Empire in 8th century. Unlike the previous Turks, the Uyghurs, who were the first Turkish tribes have dealt with agriculture, and for this reason they became more involved with the plants. This situation clearly reveals the ratio of the existence of words related to plants between Gokturk Turkish and Old Uighur Turkish. While a limited number of plant names were found in Gokturk Turkic, in the old Uighur Turkic, there are also many plant nomenclatures of foreign origin especially the Turkish nomenclature. Many of these plant nomenclatures attain to the Turkey Turkish literary language with modern Turkish dialects through the historical Turkish dialects and Old Anatolian Turkish but no written text has been found for some of them. But what is clear is that plant nomenclature in Turkish is rich. In this study, we will focus on the 39 nomenclature of Turkish origin that was identified in the Old Uighur Turkic. Differences in the sound, shape and meaning of these plant nomenclatures from the past to the present day the notion of naming will be revealed. In particular, the situation in the Divanu Lugati't-Turk, which is important in terms of the Turkish words of Mahmud Kasghar, will be elaborated in detail. When these studies are carried out, the plant nomenclature will also include terminological classifications within it. We believe that our work will provide important contributions both to the ancient Uighur Turkic and to adultery and planting.

Old Uighur Turkish, Turkish Language, Plant Names, Divanu Lugati't-Turk, Historical and Contemporary

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