Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In the Turkısh language, which has an order of suffix determined by sequential rules of progression, mutually related mutual relations of language elements can be traced through fewer but circumscribing principles. The beginning of these is followed by the noun and verb categories. Suffixes are the elements of the function morphophonetic and morphophonemic contrast and the contrast of syntagm and paradigm. In this study, the linguists have been trying to classify the functions of suffix“-sA” functions by showing them on the examples, based on the studies that they have done on this suffix up to now, about the meaning of -sA suffix which is often referred to as optative-condition mood rule in designing modes in grammar books. In general, it was focused on that -sA mood there is not a single function used in more than one function.

-sA suffix, optative-conditional mood, function, syntagm, paradigm.

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