Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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With the promises that Turkish has given to the Balkan languages for five hundred years, shows us that Turkish have an important and big influence in the vocabulary of this languages. İt can also be said that the Turkish language enriches the Balkan languages. Even though the Ottomans were not an official language in the Balkans during the reigns, they were used as spoken languages. For this reason, the Ottoman Empire gave military, political, religious, economic, etc. words to these tongues since fifteenth century. After these words entered the Balkan tongue, they passed some sound events.As it is known, each language has its own phones. For this reason, when a language receives a word from another language, the phones pass through the voices events and later pass to the other language. This happened because quoted words are the necessity of fitting the language to the syllable structure. For example, despite the fact that the Albanian words taken from the Turkish have been tried to protect the original, but also some voice events have been appeared. The pronunciation difficulties of Albanians who use Turkish words caused these changes. Even that between Turkish and Albanian have differences in phones and alphabet, some of the original words are protected without deterioration.This article examines the differences between the phones of two languages, the quoted words and in the same time it will show sound events of some words that passed through from Turkish to Albanian.

Albanian, Turkish, Sounds, Phonetics, Quoted words, Sound changes.

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