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The aim of the study is to review the reading texts in the Yeni Hitit Turkish textbooks for Foreigners in terms of cultural and individual values according to Schwartz's value classification. The study was conducted through a document review among qualitative research methods. Descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of this, individual values in reading texts were found to be higher than cultural values. "Universalism and optimism" value group took place more than other values groups (success, hedonism, aversion, self-direction, harmony and security) in the individual values. It can be said that it is appropriate to include values related to "being respectful to universal values, being helpful" in the environments where individuals from different cultures are present. However, individual values may vary according to the priorities of the individual and other factors. Therefore, it can be said that it is appropriate to place individual and cultural values balanced in textbooks. Traditional values and historical values are emphasized in cultural values. In terms of level, it has been seen that more cultural values are placed in the medium level B-1 course book than advanced B-2, C-1 textbooks. Students at level B-1 are medium-level language users and tend to understand the text outline. The students at the C-1 level are advanced language users who can understand the details of the text. Placing the distribution of cultural elements in course books by considering language levels can be effective in defining the target culture of the students, because the students who are trying to learn the language rules at the first level concentrate on the meaning at advanced levels. However, it is seen that as the level increases in the Yeni Hitit Turkish Course Books, the cultural values in the books decrease. Taking this into consideration, it can be said that the advanced C-1 textbook, in which cultural transmission has to be realized in depth, is inadequate compared to the level of B-1 in the transfer of cultural value.

Culture, Value, Reading Text, Turkish for Foreigners

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