Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The history of Turkish science, which contains numerous works of art in the field of medicine with the myriad of scientists it has cultivated, is important not only because Turkic languages are literary and spoken languages, but also because they are scientific languages. Especially in the 16th and 17th centuries, the history of Turkish science has entered into a highly productive period, with the texts of medical texts being taken from the 14th century. In this period, many works of copyright and translation were written. These works are of value to linguists as well as to the interest of physicians/medical scientists, to detect the language characteristics of the period and to bring some forgotten words and terms to daylight. Despite the fact that the first Turkish medical writings written in Anatolia belonged to the end of the 14th century, the researches in the field of medicine are much more ancient. It should be noted that most of the works studied include the period from the start till the 16th century. It is not likely to claim that the studies done on the works written since the 16th century are sufficient. In the Ottoman Turkish period, the diligence of the language can be shown as the most important reason. The work of Shifaü'l-Fuad li-Hazret-i Sul?an Murad on which we have studied is a medical manuscript belonging to the 17th century Ottoman Turkish period. The work, which is a valuable treasure in terms of both medical history and language history, expresses the understanding of medicine from the point of view of a physician in the era, and reflects the vocabulary, the terminology and language characteristics of the period. This is a work that can be closely related to both researchers in medicine and researchers working on cultural and linguistic features. Like other works written in the field of medicine, Shifaü'l-Fuad li-Haâret-i Sul?an Murad also has features that are of particular interest today, as it is written in a field that is of interest to almost everybody, such as health. It is a rich source of resources for Turkish language research in terms of vocabulary, as it covers a wide area such as health.

Şifaü'l-Fuad li-Hazret-i Sultan Murad, Zeynel Abidin bin Halil, the names of plants, the Ottoman med

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