Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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It is a condition that takes away from the basic meaning of any belly on any level and gain a side meaning, and then the idiom is a very long time. Idioms are formed by the fact that the language is very busy for the formation of the verb, the words are composed of the words and the words they put together and they have very different functions besides their basic meanings. Idioms often express emotions, thoughts, desires and dreams more effectively, even with a crying or even more than one crying. These structures allow the message to be communicated more clearly to the recipient. It is one of the first languages in the Turkish language that has a lot of idiomatic expressions in it. Expressions of both Turkey and the Turkish verb is often used in modern Turkish dialects. In the handwriting, the idiomatic verbs created by Crimean Tatar Turkic have been given with testimony and thus the frequency of usage of idiomatic verbs, one of the signs of richness of language, has been presented with care from the texts created with the Crimean Tatar Turkic literary language. The first number in the examples shows the page and the second shows the paragraph.

verb, phrasal verb, ber-, Crimean Tatar Turkish

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