Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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It is not too long, but a certain period of time has passed since the Turkish have been able to get rid of the influence of Arabic and Western grammar and to be examined by their own internal dynamics. During this period, not only the study of language, which covers all the subjects of the Turkish language, at the same time, monographs which deal only with a topic of the Turkish have begun to be made. There have also been a lot of independent studies on Turkish's syntax. But all of this is not enough at the point of the problems of the syntax. In other words, the increase in work does not mean that the problems of the syntax are up. In Turkish's syntax, a sentence can have more than one different place fixer, more than one different envelope complement. Turkish makes this possible. However, the same clause can not be a combination of both declared and indefinite objects. He does not accept it in Turkish. In the same way, Turkish does not allow more than one subject from the same genre, more than one subject and more than one object of the same genre. In the study, the issue of the analysis of the culprit, which is one of the important problems of Turkish’s syntax, will be discussed. In the present article, some of the presentations in the present study are carefully examined for a new perspective and emphasis is given to the analysis of the cues with different approaches.

Turkish's syntax, sentence, elements of sentence / sentences, sentence analysis

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