Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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This work aims to discuss the invasion of Antakya by Crusaders and what happened there in this process. The city of Antakya is in the border or Turkey Republic today. The city of Antakya where located in the bank of Asi River in south Anatolian geographically was founded by Macedonian King Third Antigus and Seleucid State used it as Capital during B.C. 300-64. In history, Antakya was prevailed by The Roman and The Bayzntine and sometimes the Persian Empires. This city when under the Bayzntine Ruling abondened to the Muslims on condition of paying the tribute in the ruling of second caliph Omar. But after that it was remained for more than a century from period of Nikephoros Phokas (963-969). Antakya which conquered by the Anatolian Seljuks in 1084, like other cities in this region, captured by the Crusaders consisted of states and the peoples who guided economically, religiously, politically and socially reasons by the Pope in Europe. The muslim armies who came for helping totheirallies on besieging of The Brutal Crusaders in Antakya was defeated and they abondened this city due to the disputes among their commanders. So, the invasion of Antakya was a new term at this time in this region and the crusader prinkups was esteblished by the Crusaders continued until 1268.

Antakya, Byzantine, Crusaders, occupation, Seljuks

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