Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Küçük Mecmua (5 June 1922-5 March 1923) is a magazine published by Ziya Gökalp in Diyarbakır. Küçük Mecmua which includes a variety of writings about history, civilization history, religion, philosophy, anthropology, folklore, politics, literature and art, is a scientific, intellectual, philosophical, literary magazine. In addition to these features, the magazine bears testimony to the history in the context of Turkish National Struggle period. Küçük Mecmua supports to the Turkish National Struggle by keeping alive the enthusiasm towards the Turkish National Struggle, the victory, sweeping the occupation forces from Anatolia and the will of Turkish nation to establish a new Turkish state. In Küçük Mecmua, Ziya Gökalp publishes literary works in the form of poetry and fairy tales, as well as writings on history, civilization history, sociology, philosophy, religion, folklore, anthropology, literature and art in the context of ‘Turkishness’. Most of Gökalp's poems in Küçük Mecmua are related to the Turkish National Struggle. Gökalp mentions the years of the First World War which prepares the Turkish National Struggle period and the Turkish National Struggle period in these poems, aggrandizes the Turkish Independence War and the spirit of the Kuvayı Milliye. He opposes the occupation, disconfirms the imperialism and molds the public opinion by blessing the will which is exhibited by Turkish nation towards establishing a new Turkish state. In this study the poems published by Ziya Gökalp in Küçük Mecmua and how the Turkish National Struggle reflects on these poems will be examined.

Ziya Gökalp, Küçük Mecmua, Turkish National Struggle, victory, poem.

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