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Mecmau’l-Ensâb written by Persian histographer Muhammed b. Ali. b. Muhammed Şebânkâreî has a great value in terms of its content and included reliable information. This work is general history book that Begins the stories of stars and nature creation. This work enlightens the rulers of religions especially Kirman, the author’s hometown, Hürmüz and Yezd subsequent to ancient Yemen and Irak Kingswith Alexander the Great after mentioning Pre-İslamic Persian Emperor’s history. İt is also possible to access to information about not only the states existing on that religion but also about them in consideration of loyalty to the Abbâsî caliphate. Mecmau’l-Ensâb is included detailed and original information about Ghazna’s history that starting from Alp Tegin to Hüsrev Şah abrogated by Alâeddin Guri and it has a great importance in terms of the unique work of him including the founder of Ghazni Sebük Tegin’s Pendname that telling about his own early life and giving advices his son, Mahmud.Şebânkâreî places original definition in the chapter in which he tells about Sebük Tegin arranging of ichta system among Turkish people in Zabulistan. This work is also the first history book containing information about local dynasties in the religion of North Persian (Şebânkâre). Besides occured events in İslamic states, this work covers important informations about not only their economic, social and cultural forms but also the other folkstraditions and faith. After translating and comparing other related works we aim to commentate this valuable work’s first 9 chapters that are about the About Saffârids, Samanids, Ghaznies, Daylams, Seljuks, Ghurids, Nizari Isma'ilis and Khwarazmians in the name of resolving another deficiency in the our national history.

Saffârids, Samanids, Ghaznies, Daylams, Seljuks, Ghurids, Nizari İsmailis, Khwarazmians

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