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The Islamic period Turkish Sagas have emerged in verbal. From the 10th-13th centuries, the works like Battal-name, Danişmentname and Saltıkname have shaped like that. Those narratives have showed up usually based on a true stories which are made by the society’s imagination. For some alp, alperen or eren’s narratives which have been emerged in verbal culture were written by some writers. While those sagas are fictional, they contain some historical factors and it can be seen that some saga writter wrote the sagas for requests from some statesman. The Islamic period sagas have a process for the verbal period. This period has two resources: first one is Turks pre-Islamic culture and literature, socınd one is Islam’s thought structure. The are sent it from the verbal period to the written period in a certain structure. Saga is in the verbal period in different ways of narrative. With the final shape of saga becomes wtih this way. The writer while sending the narratives to the written one, follows a certain order. It could be understood that the book regulated fort o be read onside of a society. The reading of this book on a society . the reading of this book on a society emerges a second verbal culture environment. In this notice, the main goal is that Saltıkname’s transformation from the verbal period to the written period with examples. Saltıkname is one of the Islamic period work and contains Sari Saltuk’s menakibnames.

saltikname, writter, verbal culture, written culture, secont verbal culture

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