Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Mehmed II who ascended the throne at a tender age reached many successes. One of the most important of these was the conquest of Istanbul (Constantiniyye), which was the capital city of the thousand-year-old East Roman Empire. Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror was not only known as a successful statesman but also as a person who gave importance to art, culture, history, language and literary works. He took important steps to develop and protect the literature and science. Personally, he wrote poems like his predecessors. Mehmed who used "Avni" pseudonym in his poems composed a divan. This study examines the rhetoric of Sultan Mehmed between sultanate and poetry based on the poems in "Avnî Divan".

Avni Divan, Poetry and Sultanate, Sultan Mehmed, expression, conquer

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