Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Mankind is resorting to various means to separate living and non-living beings from each other and realizes these paths within a certain system. Naming, nomenclature, and terms also provide important clues to people about the culture of a society while revealing the originality and richness of its language. In Kazakh Turkish, which has made significant distinctions in naming, nomenclature and terminology, and has rich vocabulary it was noticed that some words representing a certain age or certain age periods took place and these words were detected. A classification study under various headings was prepared by considering these terms which were determined from different sources and the meanings covered by the terms were included in this study. In the categorization various headings were included as: terms used for babyhood, childhood, youth, middle age and old age; terms used in relation to being a peer; terms that indicate that one's age is older or less than the other; terms indicate that the person was the first or last born. The vocabulary that is listed under these headings is shown with meanings.

Kazakh Turkish, age ranges, age-related terms, nomenclature, terms.

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