Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Cem Sultan is one of the important faces of Turkish culture and literature both in view of history and in view of the literature. His thirty-six year of short life was continuously spent in struggles, complications and difficulties. But Cem Sultan never fell apart from the literature and poetry throughout his hard, difficult and fighting life. In researches his historical side has been approached predominantly much more than his literary side, so the thematic structure of his poems which he wrote out as a poet have not got noticed enough. In our study we tried to examine cosmic elements by separating them into main categories under differenent titles. We identified each feature or features in Divan and in which verses they were and in what kind of meaning and relations they were used.If there are more cosmic elements in a verse, we tried to highlight which concept or concepts dominated and also tried to indicate in which approaches they were used. However not to fall into unnecessary repetions, we took just one verse as an example if concept was used with the same meaning. Our study comprises of two parts; one of them is the ' Introduction' which refers to the point of cosmic features in Divan poetry, and the is the part at which necessary explanations are done about cosmic features under main and sub-headings.

Cem Sultan, divan, Cosmic universe, history, analysis

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