Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Reduplications are groups of words that are formed by combining two words. Reduplications are important elements of our vocabulary in terms of the formations that can be realized in various forms, their duties in the sentence and their semantic features. Dialects are very valuable research areas in terms of revealing the existence of the true language of the language in which they belong and of determining all the riches of that language. Therefore, reduplications, are an important issue to be examined by the relevant direction in their dialects in Turkish. Moreover, many words that are not available in our standard language can be confronted in the mouths. For this reason, it is important to identify these groups of words in the dialects. In the study, firstly, the comparisons were made from the texts compiled from the illusions in the Eastern Anatolia Region. For this determination, the Dictionary of Compilation is firstly searched and the reduplications registered in the name of the territory are determined. Subsequently, compilation studies made at the book and postgraduate thesis level were scanned and the reduplications in these studies were determined. Comparisons of the voices compiled from the texts have been transferred to a common transcription alphabet so that the value of the voices will not be spoiled. The dues determined in the study were collected under the heading of the province where they were compiled and sorted in alphabetical order and the duties in the texts of the identified dictionaries were examined in the form of entities. As a result of the study, it has been determined which duties are used and formed in the regions of the districts.

Hendiadyoin, Repetitions, Eastern Anatolia Region, Dialects, Turkish

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