Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Uyghur Turks have a rooted musical repertoire that they develop and practice in the folk context and in the classical medium. It is known that this repertoire has been compiled many times throughout the history and formed in chapters and has continued to exist with various changes to date. This wide repertoire, called Uygur 12 Maqam, became art music based on the folk context. However, because Uyghur music does not distinguish between the popular and classical styles, the traditional Uyghur music can appeal to a general taste. Cultural and religious contexts, such as Mashrep and Mezar-i Sharif, are the main perform environments of traditional music and constitute an important means of cultural continuity as their counterparts in Turkey. The repertoire, compiled and assembled in a professional manner, has been reworked many times even in the twentieth century and has been used to also serve political purposes. In this study, Uighur traditional music is dealt with both the historical stages it undertakes, the role of constructing the cultural identity and the interventions that it has been subjected to during the political break periods. In order to be more understandable and there are still observed in the framework of a holistic cultural perceptions of the relationship with traditional music forms in Turkey it is also highlighted his differences and similarities.

Uygur, Music, Makam, Comparison, Âşık

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