Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In classical Turkish poetry, there are many geographic regions and places which are subject to various metaphors, imagination and telmih elements. These places include Yemen. Yemen is remembered by poets with some well-known elements of divan poetry in the world of telmih and analogy. Among these elements is the akik stone known with its red color, the pearl of Aden, the Suheyl star who is believed to be seen from the best Yemen and believed to give the color of the agate stone, the Yemen coffee, The wind blowing from Yemen and the subject of the prophet Mohammad; Ad people mentioned in the Qur'an, Sheddad, Irem and Belkis; Veysel Karani, known to be Yemeni, and Shaykh San bilinenan, known for his mystical story. In this study, which elements of Yemen related to the meaning of relations in the world of poets, the characteristics of poets in the worlds of imagination and simulation are discussed. For this reason, the couplets chosen from the scanned divisions were classified and briefly explained in the framework of these meaning relations.

Yemen, Aden pearl, agate, Veysel Karanî, coffee, Sheikh Sanan, Belkis

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