Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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This study, is based on sample usage and evaluation of the word "yavlak", which shows the distinctive characteristics of the word through the works reflecting the general characteristics of these periods on the basis of the Eastern and Western Turkic languages. In the Orhon, Uyghur and Qarakhanid Turkic, which we consider as Old Turkic, is generally used as adjective in terms of “bad”, while the word “bad” in the first written language of the Middle Turkic period, Khwarazm Turkic yawlak shows a decrease in the meaning of the word "bad" and "extremely, very" means by switching from its adjective to the envelope. “Bad” meaning of this word in the form of ”extremely, very" to reach the status of envelope is seen in the Khwarazm Turkic. In the historical periods of Turkic, words such as añığ>ayığ>ayı, çok and yavlak which basically mean "bad" and which are generally used as adjectives, have experienced semantic transitions due to the meaning that is loaded by language speakers as time passes. Such as which añığ>ayığ>ayı, çok and yavlak is an example of a distant passage of meaning by some researchers, is also an example of syntax a change. In addition to the assessments of the linguistic aspect of the word, it has been seen for the first time through KB the use of oxymoron in terms of rhetorical art. Although the word bu kitâb yawlak ‘aziz turur is basically a negative meaning at the time when the KB was revealed, but the word yawlak ‘aziz turur is a book that combines with the word ‘aziz with positive meaning, it is used in the form of a complete reflection of a new meaning, semantic oxymoron is considered.

East Turkic, West Turkic, Semantic change, Oxymoron.

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