Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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It is certain that the numbers facilitate and diversify human life. The numbers that are supposed to be derived from 5 or 10 fingers as a general consensus have had a crucial place in the lives of societies since the early ages of history. Each civilization has developed and used its own numbers and systems connected to it with specific signs. Numbers gradually spread to other branches of science, religion, art and literature outside mathematics. As in all religions, some numbers in Islam, especially in sufi circles, have come to the fore compared to others. Sometimes artists used each of the numbers to correspond to a metaphor. Yunus Emre, a sufi who lived in the 13th century is a poet who frequently uses these metaphors in his works. Yunus Emre, who has two important pieces on the name of Risaletun Nushiyye and Divan is accepted one of the important milestones of Turkish and Turkish literature. His texts are quite rich in terms of the numbers. They represent far more special meanings than casual encounters. The diversity of the numbers and the tangible values are seen as a sign that Yunus Emre has a good learning and learned the sciences of his time. In this article which is taken into consideration the Fatih Copy, the numbers mentioned in the texts of Yunus Emre will be determined and their meanings and properties will be examined.

Semantic, Numbers, Yunus Emre, Risaletun Nushiyye, Divan by Yunus Emre.

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