Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Concerning the impact of the Turkish words on the Albanian language, we should make the connection with the historical developments over the years in Kosovo. Regardless of the life hardships that the Albanians experienced, their sense for preserving the language and the care for its purification have always been present, although there have been cases when such a thing was impossible, especially with words which had no equivalents in Albanian and could not be replaced by Albanian words. The Turkish influences on Albanian are found in phonetics and morphology. The semantic words from Turkish, which continue to exist in Albanian language, are already known, despite the phenomenon of linguistic globalization that indirectly puts pressure on the general linguistic evolution and at the same time development and diffusion in all languages. It is evident that Albanian dialects preserve the actual traces of Turkish words in Albanian. They still continue to be preserved among Albanians living in Turkey. Although the migration of Albanians from the Albanian lands (Kosovo, Albania, then Macedonia, East Kosovo) to Turkey has taken place many years ago and the Albanian / Turkish language contact was direct, again it can be seen that dialectal Albanian spoken in Turkey has maintained Turkish borrowings in addition to Albanian words.

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