Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Zahid is an adjective used for an uninformed character and without depth. Ithas widely be enreferred in our classical poetry. It has no relation with essence of Islamic religion yet it seems religio us enough to be defined fanatic. As a concept, Zahid, who isexpressedas a positiveand ideal profile because it contains a serious belief in his strict attachment to God's commandments. However; it has gradually turned into a negative and repulsive personality in divan poets. Inthe Tanzimat and Republicperiods, zahid has been turned into a target to be totally destroyed by some political and ideological approaches. Zahid as a negative character has been used in poetry, plain writing, theater and cinema. Today it is stil an extremely useful material in art, media and politics. The character of Zahid is signatory to be researched by psychological and sociological fields.In this study the zahid figure is scrutunized as a a line, as a color in our culture from the perspective of divan poetry, mysticism, Tanzimat and there public an periods.

Zahid, poet, personality, divan poetry, religion.

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