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Children are future of the society. While preparing them to the future it is asked that they train in numerous fields and get some values. In this sense, it is expected that every child has homeland nation love and citizenship consciousness. Homeland love becomes strong by knowing own history, recognizing own ancestors. Children books helps to have homeland love or consolidate this love by telling history to children with an entertaining and fluent style. In more recent times of Turkish Republic, seeing forceful wars and glorious victory is possible. Çanakkale War is one of these unforgettable victories. Çanakkale War narrates struggling with soul and blood of a nation who didn’t want to leave their land to the enemies. Thousands of robins were martyred for the purpose of rescuing their homeland, mothers have sacrificed their sons for the homeland. Young, old, women, men, everybody have made sacrifice for the homeland. Today, living on these lands peacefully is thanks to these sacrifices and valours. Telling and endearing to children the history of their country may not be possible with only course books. Thanks to children literature, favourable emotions wished to get for children are gained more effectively and permanently. Children books telling Çanakkale War is one of the finest means for expressing the robins’ valours, Veteran Mustafa Kemal’s commandership, homeland love of Turkish nation most properly. In this research from selected three books, children books mentioning Çanakkale War have been studied about tackling the war from which aspects mostly.

Çanakkale, war, history, education, child, Çanakkale War

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