Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Word groups are composed of at least two elements and are composed of a number of words that serve as a single word. The attachment to the last element of the word group is not only the word it comes to but the whole group. In this way, word groups serve as a single word when they serve in sentences and participate in the structures of other word groups as complement or complementary elements. Word groups are one of the most important opportunities of language. Other derivation tools are not so effective and unlimited. Because the new word deriving, compiling or dictionaries from the standard language to get the word to the standard language produces up to a solution. However, this opportunity of the word group is unlimited. In the current studies, the so-called binding group is evaluated as other word groups. However, the structures referred to as linking groups differ from other word groups in terms of main - auxiliary elements, emphasis and grime. In the present article, it will be discussed that the structures expressed as the binding group are different from the other word groups, both from the witnessed samples and from the examples given by the researchers in their works, and the resulting cues will be presented to the attention.

word group, binding group, main element, auxiliary element, emphasis

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