Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The researchs of dialect have more important a place in determined a vocabulary of language. In Turkey beginnig of researchs the dialect reach untill 19th century. The interested in researchs which is made from beginnig of researchs the dialect untill now set of missing and fault find out a need and necessity of researchs of dialect. On 20th century the action began by Turkish Language Society from dialect of public of compilation vocabulary’s as a result Compilation Dictionary have been prepared Turkey’s a lot of zone of vocabulary to compile. This dictionary is accepted as the most comprehensive study interested in research of dialect in spite of its a lot missings and fault. Dialects of Anatolia have great richness in terms of vocabulary. The vocabulary which is determined and not is clear indicator that Turkish Language is wealthy. In made this study to contribute to present vocabulary of Compilation Dictionary, in dialect of Eğirdir and its regions where have rich ethnic and cultural specials used but no existed in Compilation Dictionar or existed in another regions but explained different vocabularies by classificating have been given. As a result this study has a result section to consider and bibliograpy that ocur from different sources which is used.

Dialect Researchs, Compilation, Compilation Dictionary, Eğirdir Dialect.

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