Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Known as a sociologist, Fatma Barbarosoglu is a prominent figure in modern Turkish literature with stories and novels. The literary products of the author with rich content and the semantic world can be evaluated on different theories and readings. Barbarosoglu’s first pen study in the novel type Hicbiryer carries out a multi-vocal work identity and has features that involve multiple reading. The work can be evaluated in the modernist novel line as well, although it carries some characteristics of the traditional/reflective novel. The novel is closer to the modernist novel in terms of theme, multi-viewpoint, diversity of transference, positioning of characters, richness of meaning and narrative techniques. In the study, Fatma Barbarosoğlu’s novel, Hicbiryer, will be handled in the context of the criteria of the modernist novel. In the article, Barbarosoglu’s tendency towards modernist novel will be evaluated by focusing on the concept of modernist novel. Then, the relevance of the work will be tried to be explained with the modernist novel under the headings such as plot, characters, place, time, theme, language and genre, narrative techniques. In the novel Hicbiryer, the author seems to have benefited from the traditional novel concepts and techniques that are peculiar to modernist novels. The work in which reality is studied by constructing it specifically to modernist novel in narration, dispersal of the characters is reflected, is particularly susceptible to the modernist novel in terms of examining the antagonism of traditional-modern life and dealing the psychological state of the individual.

Fatma Barbarosoglu, Hicbiryer, Turkish novel, modernism, modernist novel.

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