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Yunus Emre gave direction to the establishment of Anatolian Turkish with his literary personality and his works. At the same time, the words and expressions used by Yunus Emre are a turning point in the way that the metaphor and Turkish language become literary language. In this presentation, the characteristics of the style of Yunus Emre will be tried to be examined in the context of gerundiums. In Turkish, affixes are elements that provide rich expression and diversity on the ground. The affixes were multiplied, differentiated and developed in accordance with the developmental line of the lent. We will do this study to determine the process of historical development and changes of the gerundiums affixes. In the examination of structure and function in Yunus Emre’s Divan, we see that the gerundiums affixes "-(y)Up”; “(y)UbAn”; “-(y)UbAnIn”; “-mAdIn”; -(y)iken”; “-IncA”; “-(y)Icak” and the expansion form of this affix “-IcAGAz”; “-AlI” “-dUkçA” ; “-dUkdA”; “-lAyIn” ; “- mAzdAn” ; “-mAzIn ”; “-(y)A, -(y)I, -(y)U”; “-sA” used in the book. The use of the gerundiums suffixes used in Yunus Emre’s Divan “–mAgIn” is the oldest example of this affix in the context of old Anatolia. “Yan yana”, “diyü diyü”, “kaza kaza”, “done done” are the gerundiums consisting of reduplication. While the majority of the gerundiums consist of adverbs of manner, the adverbs of time are used less. There are some examples from the Divan of the Yunus Emre, which are high in usage frequency. The number of gerundiums used in Divan shows that in the poet's poems, instead of stationary object qualities, the movement prefers to depict the movement of the object. These uses are the determining characteristics of Yunus' dynamic style.

Gerundium, Yunus Emre’s Divan, Yunus Emre, adverb, verbal.

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