Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Religious texts are very important in terms of adding language innovations to language tongues and thus enriching vocabulary. Because such texts are new concepts for a language. The most valuable religious texts are the Qur'an. The Qur'an has been translated into Turkic since the 11th century. Through these translations, hundreds of religious terms have been brought to our language. In the first translations, while trying to give more Turkish equivalents of the religious terms, it seems that the terms of the last translations are either Arabic or Persian oppo- sition. The purpose of this study is to determine how many of the religious terms are in Kyrgyz translations, and how many of them are Arabic or Persian. The Kyrgyz translation, based on the work, was made by Alauddin Mansur in 2001. Many things have been done in the Qur'an, from prayer to salvation, from immanent infidelity, from heritage to hell, from heaven from hell, from evil to evil, from haram to hell, from old tribes, from the atrocities to those who are out of the way and from Christianity to Judaism. Since the examination of all of the subject matter of the book is very extensive, the present work has been narrowed down as an examination of abstract concepts. In this study, only Kyrgyz Turkism, which was made by Alauddin Mansur, was examined as the name of abstract concepts such as gin, devil, angel, hereafter, doomsday, account day, heaven and hell. When the work is done, first the verses of gin, devil, angel, hereafter, doomsday, calculus day, heaven and hell concepts and other names mentioned in the Qur'an have been verse verse. Later, the meanings of these concepts were written in the translations of Kyrgyz Turkic Qur'an translation and Kyrgyz dictionaries. At the end of the study, how many of the terms identified are expressed in numerical values of how much is Kirghiz and Arabic, and how much is Persian; Information was given on the form of krish term.

Qur'an, Religious term, Kyrgyz language provision, statistic

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