Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The works written by copyright, translation and commentary for an education process are usually written as prose. It is also seen that many of the didactic works written in order to teach basic knowledge about faith (religion) and literature / language are written in poem. Some of them have been used as textbooks in different types and levels of educational processes. In the process of separating the judicial police / police forces from the army and establishing them as a separate organization in the Ottoman Empire, the need to train the officers who will work in the captivity organization with a new understanding has emerged. Some of the civil servants who will take part in this organization were put into education process for the first time in 1307/1891 with the will of the sultan. One of those in the first group is Commander Mustafa. Based on the notes he has made in law-related subjects, he wrote this poem, titled Criminal Law Theory, in the form of a textbook that will teach the candidates the basic concepts of Law / Criminal Law courses. We think that the introduction of this work, which is written as an auxiliary textbook in the field of Modern Law and Criminal Law, will contribute to the literature.

text of the criminal law, criminal law, poetic textbooks, theory of criminal law, law in literature

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