Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Our study is the problem of 3rd person possessive suffix in Turkey Turkish. The common features between use of the 3rd person suffix in Turkey Turkish sentences and the 3rd person possessive suffix in possessive construction must be demonstrated to be able to make an accurate determination regarding the 3rd person possessive suffix problem. This perspective will enable the subject to be evaluated within the internal structure of the language and to provide a more holistic approach to the subject. In our study, the main approaches related to 3rd person possessive suffix and the different evaluations related to these perspectives have been tried to be given in a totality. And then, it is tried to reveal the approaches related to the drop in the possession and plural suffix. In the "Evaluation and Conclusion" section of our study, evaluations are made about the possessive and plural drop in both the singular and the plural structures in a deteminated, where the two determinant are used. Based on the parallel internal structure between the Turkish sentence structure and the possessive construction, the problem of 3rd person possessive suffix is tried to be explained within the holistic structure of Turkish own structure.

Third person, possesive suffix, agreement suffix, plural ending, number suffix

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