Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Sadri Maksudi who came to Turkey from Paris upon the invitation of Gazi Mustafa Kemal in 1925; was a scientist well-informed in politics, law, history, and language field. When Sadri Maksudi came to Turkey, which was in the process of nationalization, was a new state. In this newly created Turkey State, he knew that national identity had to be giving to the public. It was the land in which he was born and they were the countries to which he went that gave him knowledge and experience. His brother Hadi Maksudi, was one of the leading Jedidist of the Kazan Turks. When he was 16, he met İsmail Gaspıralı. Maksudi learned lessons and took advices from him. Ayaz İshaki was his best friend in secondary school. He had been sincere with Yusuf Akçura during his university years in Paris. All these increased his awareness of "Turkish Union". In addition, he took courses on Turcology from Radloff during his membership to the Duma in Russia. He boosted his knowledge about Turkish dialect and Turkish grammar. In this study, we will explain his opinions about Turkish language. Firstly, we will talk about the ideological currents that it was affected. We will mention his first and only novel named Maişet and then how he struggle to boost Kazan Turkish as an official language. Then we will focus on his language opinions which was in the Republic of Turkey in the nation-building process. We will talk about his advice relate to what kind of studies, which arrangements should be made for Turkish language. We will tell all these based on books, articles, parliamentary minutes.

Language reform, Kazan Turkish, nationality, linguistics, common Turkish.

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