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Mecamuatu’n-Nezair, compiled by Omer bin Mezid in 840/1436-37, carries traces of Old Anatolian Turkish. This work is one of the important sources of Turkish Language and Literature in terms of the fact that it contains not only the important language materials belonging to the period it was compiled but also the poems belonging to different poets. Mecmuatu’n-Nezair has been evaluated in terms of “nazire tradition” in this article. The poems in Mecmuatu’n-Nezair have been compared with in the framework of the criteria for the determination and evaluation of the nazires. The data obtained have been processed under the headings of “nazire format” and “content”. Under the heading of “figure”, the similarities of the parallels with the model poetry in terms of meter, rhyme, and redif unity have been evaluated. Under the heading of “content” especially phrasal statements such as proverb, idiom, verse, hadith, etc, and elements like couplet sorverses taken as indemnification, common redifs, puns, imageries, allusions, references have been evaluated. By means of comparisons made about the phrasal expressions, it was clearly seen that a phrasal used in the model poem was repeated in a similar way in the significant part of the paralel poems. Such uses have importance not only for determining the nazire relationship between the two poems but also for capturing the beauty of utterance. Identification of such similarities about the meaning in the nazires will clarify some matters like who are the leading poets or who was influenced by whom. Inaddition, the language material determined about the content is important for the vocabulary of theTurkish language. Since there is not an examination and evaluation on Mecmuatu’n-Nezair within the framework of the nazire tradition, this study will contribute to similar studies.

Keywords: Turkish Language, PhrasalStatements, Nazire, Collections of Nazires, Comparison

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