Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Proverbs are folk creations based on experiented events, in which many elements can be found about the social life of the societies and their world view. This type of oral literature, which originates from living conditions, is also an important part of Turkish culture. It is possible to determine the common point of view of the Turkish world to the world. In this respect, the number and use of proverbs in the Turkish world is quite wide. It is possible to see them frequently in daily life and in literary works. The nomadic life of the Turkish world from the past and then some concepts related to agriculture and animal husbandry are frequently included in proverbs. Horse is just one of these concepts. The horse has a special place in Turkish culture and literature. The situation is the same in the Gagauz, which is part of the Turkish world. Gagauz chose at first, nomadic, then the settled way of life. By this way terminology that related to horse quite developed. This situation reflected in their oral literature and proverbs. In this article, Gagauz proverbs related to horse will be examined under of headings.

Horse, Gagauz, Proverbs, Nomadic Life, Sentence,

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