Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Divan poetry is a treasure that contains six centuries of cultural accumulation of Turks. This poem, based on stereotyped expressions, subtlety and literary arts, has been written through specific verse forms. Rubai, transmitted from Iranian literature to our poetry, is also one of these verse forms. The rubai, which is composed of single quatrain and written with special patterns of aruz, has intense and intricate meanings. The poet creates a unique style while performing his art within this particular structure. Fuzûlî-i Bağdâdî is one of the poets having used the style of rubai which lived the golden age in the 16th and 17th centuries of Turkish literature. Fuzûlî, who chose a style of bohemian style in the 72 rubai he wrote, expressed the power of Allah, the transience of life in the world and the states of love and lover with his unique style. In this article, the character (type)of lover, which is one of the important elements of "lover-beloved-rival" triangle, will be studied. In the first chapter, Fuzûlî's life, literary personality and his works will be given briefly; In the second chapter, the historical course of the Rubai verse form in Persian and Turkish Literature will be examined. In the last chapter, it will be presented with examples of how the character of lover is handled in the rubai of Fuzûlî.

Divan poetry, Persian Poetry, rubai, Fuzuli, lover (enamored).

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