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Polysemy, as one of the sub-headings of meaning, exists in all world languages. Therefore, sometimes it is needed to refer to more than one meaning with a single signifier. In fact, semantically, this situation is to be perceived as a means of the least effort rule of a language. As a result, the meaning of such words are embedded in other elements of a sentence. Polysemy has been a type of meaning that has taken place in all historical periods of Turkish. It has been witnessed that, there has been entries that are different from each other in placing polysemyc words in historical and contemporary words of Turkish. The word “uğur” is one of polysemyc words. Having protected its polysemy from historical dialects to the recent time, it has generally been presented in different entities in words. In this study, it has been focused on the meanings of the polysemyc word “uur (uğur)” in Gagauz Turkish that has been evaluated in different entries.

uğur, polysemy, Gagauz Turkish, semantics, dictionary

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