Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Turkish and Macedonian belong to two different language families. Turkish is part of Ural-Altaic language family while Macedonian is a member of Indo – European family, Slavic group of languages. Despite this difference in terms of language relations both languages have many common words. Words are one of the basic language elements. Commonality of words provides an opportunity for versatile interpretation of language relations. The given condition could be examined in terms of intra-linguistic as well as extra-linguistic relations providing the speakers with an opportunity to form an opinion about the relations of the two languages throughout the history as well as well as set up the basis for certain future planning. Historically speaking Turkish and Macedonian have shared a mutual space and political, cultural and sociological relations and the number of common words present in the dictionaries is quite large. Although there is insufficient number of independent studies on the topic, various attempts on the subject provide sufficient number of data requiring a scientific approach to the topic. This article studied the common words used in Turkish and Macedonian in terms of their structure and meaning. Every language has its own way of functioning on the sub-structural (morphologic) level and the level related to meaning (semantic). This study elaborated structural and semantic properties of common words used in Turkish and Macedonian and present it to linguists. On the other hand, this study also tried to reveal how extra-linguistic developments (space, politics, culture, sociology etc) reflect on the intra-linguistic (phonetics, morphology, semantics etc) relations in different language families.

Turkish; Macedonian; Common words; Linguistic relations.

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