Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Turkish, in terms of structure, is among the jointed tongues of the group of addicted tongues. The additions in Turkish are very important because they are used both in the derivation of new words and in the use of words in word processing. According to their use, there are two basic classes as construction and operation supplements. Some of these construction and operation additions are considered new additions. The actual annexes are the additions that emerged during the untraceable period of the Turkish. New appendices have emerged in the followed process. So it is possible to determine in what century the new additions appeared. When some of these new suffixes are transformed into suffixes of root words (original form units) some of which have come into being by the molding of two or more crops. During the conversion of the original units into the connected units, it is seen that the original unit is usually lost. It can be seen that even though there are a small number of units, the main form unit and the connected form unit derived from it live together. In this study, the main form unit in Turkey Turkish (root) when connected to form units (additional) also emerged shapes and original and bonded form units are seen together, and as we call 'binary format units' morpheme were examined.

Binary format units, Copula, personal pronouns, Present prograssive tense.

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