Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Turkish oral tradition has a wide variety of products, as well as a rich accumulation. In the basis of the emergence of these products, the difficult and arduous living conditions brought by the lives of the Turks, the struggles between the tribes, their relations with their neighbours, their struggles with other nations and wars played a decisive role. Kazakh Turks are one of the Turkish peoples who have preserved this products and kept their ties to the culture firmly since the past. Kazakh Turks have preserved their traditional products until today and kept their ties with culture firmly since the past, as well as transferring folkloric crops from generation to generation and maintaining them until today, has an important place among Turkish communities. Thousands of years of cultural heritage, prayers and curses, the psychology of the Turkish society, the reaction to the events revealed. Kazakh epic Crimea’s Forty Heroes Epic, because contain important motifs such as the development around of Baba-Oglu range and the transportation of events from the core family structure to the broader family structure, prayers and curses of the Epic have been discussed.

Prayers, Curses, the Crimea’s Forty Heroes Epics, Kazakhs.

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