Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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This work is telling cases of nationalist patriots, soldiers and administrators after the occupied Istanbul on 13 November 1918. After the occupation of Istanbul by the British both members of the Turkish Hearths of Union and Progress Party members were arrested and sent to exile. In this shoot, the island of Malta has been the mostly used place. Ziya Gokalp this is one of the patriots who were arrested. Among these patriotic driven to Malta had been grand viziers, ministers, governors, dignitaries such as the army, who was the commander of the pasha, pasha wrote heroic epics, deputies, doctors. Ahmet Agaoglu (1869-1939) , Ahmet Emin Yalman (1888-1972) , Aka Gunduz ( Enis Avni , 1886-1958 ) , Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın ( 1875-1957 ) , Ismail Müştak of Mayako ( 1888-1938 ), Mehmet Aykut Honor ( 1874-1939) , Salah Cimcoz (1875-1947) , Suleiman Nazif (1870-1927) , Yunus Nadi (1879-1945) there were also as an author and journalist . At the beginning of the common aspects of who were exiled to Malta, being against the government of the country, having concerns about the future of the nation and country, membership of the Union and Progress was coming. During his time in exile Zia Gokalp wrote 570 letters. Publication enriched with notes the most regular of these letters, Fevziye Abdullah Tansel has prepared. Publication of the first edition in 1965, the second was made in 1989. Publication's name is "Ziya Gokalp Collection-II Letters of Lemnos and Malta". Tansel, put the 572 units letter in this book.

Malta letters, exile, Ziya Gökalp , Limnos, Union and Progress, patriotism

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