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In this study, the compound verbs in the story Kökserek of Muhtar Ävezov are analysed. These compound verbs are classified in terms of structure and it is tried to determine which types of compound verbs are used more frequently. During this work, the auxiliary verbs that contribute to the formation of the compound verbs and thir usage frequency are brought out based on the numerical data. On the other hand, the presence or absence of these auxiliary verbs and compound verbs in Turkish are determined. During the study, it was observed that the verbs in the story Kökserek were almost half of the compound verbs. The usage of the structure the main verb + verbal adverb suffix + depiction auxiliary verb is five times more than the Name + auxiliary verb structure. This can be interpreted as the author's forefront of the verbs and shows his wanting to place how these actions took place in the minds of the reader. The important result of our research is that almost 2/3 types of these compound verbs in the story do not exist in Turkish. This situation shows that the Kazakhs in the person of the author have a great tendency to use as depiction verbs, without their real meaning.

Kazakh, Mukhtar Ävezov, Kökserek, Story, Compound Verbs.

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