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Sâfî Baba, XVIII-XIX. He is a classical Turkish poet who lived in the first quarter of the XIXth century. In our literature, there are eleven poets with the pseudonym. Sâfî Baba is not one of eleven poets. Unfortunately; There is no information about the life of Sâfî Baba in literary history and tezkires. His only work on the agenda is Divan. According to the information obtained from Dîvân, Safi Baba is a Bektashî and Ishrakî poet. Although he is a poet of wisdom; He was also influenced by Sebk-i Hindî. He spent his poetic life in places such as Rumeli, Istanbul and Usak. Sâfî Baba, the clerk of Tayyar Mahmud Pasha, is a trained identity who speaks at least three languages; was one of the elite of the last period of Ottoman poetry. This article, which shares the complete introduction of Sâfî Baba and the form-content adventure of Dîvân, updates Sâfî Baba and Dîvân.

Sâfî Baba, The Dîvân of Sâfî, Bektashî and Israkî, Sebk-i Hindî, Tayyar Mahmud Pasha.

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