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The parable of Joseph, as one of the oldest stories in the world, has found its place in the holy books. The parable, it has been processed many times from the holy books to firstly classical literature and from there it has been transferred to oral tradition. The story of Yusuf and Zuleyha, which emerged from the parable, has become one of the most popular subjects of both eastern and western literature. Besides the religious dimension of the story, the human dimension that emerges with the theme of love is one of the reasons why it is handled and loved so much. In this respect, lovers like the classical poets, the parable of Josep and thus they included the story of Yusuf and Zuleyha in their verses. Asik Seyrani, one of the prominent figures of the nineteenth century in these folk poet, referred to the parable and the story with quatrains and couplets, he brought Joseph's exemplary life and love theme to his verses. In this study, how the Âşık Seyranı reflects the parable of Joseph, which was created based on the story of Yusuf and Zuleyha, will be examined through the relevant parts of the Holy Books and the verses of the Quran.

Seyranı, The parable of Joseph, Holy Books, Quran, Joseph, Zuleyha.

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