Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The centuries-old tradition of classical poetry has lived on the conceptual boundaries of literary discourses and styles. The main reason for this is related to the different interpretation of the same pieces of poetry within the boundaries drawn by the tradition of poetry. However, Nedim (d.1143-1730) as an Istanbul poet who exceeded the tradition circle; “A contemporary world of meaning, a new perception of reality, poetic language, and updating the basic verse materials”. He is; The elements of beauty of the beloved, in a local style has worked in his poems. But the beloved's eyes differ from these beauty elements in that they show literary diversity from other beauty elements. In addition, eyebrows and eyelashes around the eye, such as the elements of war tools are often used in poems such as the eye is used. These elements became a composition with Nedim's “European-local” style during the Tulip Era, and became popular in the eyes of Nedim's narrative in the form of Turkish, Persian, Arab and European cultural synthesis. Finally, in this study, a classification and evaluation of the eye element in the Divan of Nedim - primarily the depictions of the lover's eye - was made.

Nedim, Eye, Lover, Tulip Era, Localization.

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