Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Poetry in our old literature, due to its inseparable integrity with aruz, which has a technical structure, various works related to ilm-i arûz have been brought to the body for centuries. These studies are discussed in terms of the prosperity of the aruz prosody, the concepts and applications it contains. The science of aruz prosody is remarkable in that it presents a structure which is essentially the same, but which shows new tenure, differences in the circle system, prosody savings and the manner of processing. The book Risâle fi’l-Arûz, written by Penbe-zâde Erzen-i Rûmî as a prophet, it is a book that deals with the information in Tuhfe-i Şâhidî to teach the lesson. The work presents a structure that deals with the real subjects of science, such as sermons, reasons for naming, procedures, how the juz is formed, taktî’s. In this article, we can talk about the works of the author, whom we cannot find any information about his life, and our work topic, Risâle fi’l-Arûz is introduced, and then two copies of the work are obtained and the translation is written and criticized.

Aruz, Penbe-zâde, Penbe-zâde Erzen-i Rûmî, Risâle fi’l-Arûz, Aruz Pamphlets

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