Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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While naming the plants which are used in various fields, most notably for nutrition, health and shelter, the names exist in culture have been used. It is observed that organ, animal, object names, species, place names / place of growth, food names, disease names and human-specific names, metaphors have been used while giving names in Turkish. The Turks, having a strong culinary culture, have often used the names belonging to their culinary culture while naming plants. Those names include the names of kitchen utensils and food. Analyzing the plant names formed by food names, it is noteworthy that some plant names consist of the food name or have the same name as the food. In this study, we will focus on plant names (phytonics) formed by food names and plant names are identified as food names and plant names with the same names as food names will be classified and information about the structure of those names will be given. At the end of the study, dictionaries of food names and plant names will be included. First the etymology of the word and then the meaning of the word will be provided in the dictionary. As a result of this study, it will be clearly seen how Turkish culinary culture is reflected on plants, and at the same time how to benefit from Turkish culture and the words existing in Turkish when a new naming is needed.

Onomastic, Onomastic of Plant, Naming, Plant Names, Turkish Culinary Culture, Food Names.

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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