Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Ömer Seyfettin is one of the authors with the highest level of awareness during the Constitutional Monarchy period. One of the issues that Ömer Seyfettin deals with in his works is the perception of state and power in both the administration and the public and how these two concepts are perceived. In the stories of Ömer Seyfettin, the perception of state and power manifests itself from different angles. In the stories, the abuse of power seized by the means of the state and the corruption of the bureaucracy is seen as an important problem. It is criticized that the state cadres formed by meritless, visionary people do not have the power to prevent this deterioration, and that this deterioration becomes a part of the system and is normalized. Pembe İncili Kaftan, Bir Hatıra, Memlekete Mektup, Devletin Menfaati Uğruna, Yalnız Efe, Ashab-ı Kehfimiz, Hürriyete Layık Bir Kahraman, Asilzadeler, Bilgi Bucağında, Hürriyet Bayrakları are the stories of the author that intensifies. perception of state and power. In this study, the perception of state and power in the stories of Ömer Seyfettin is examined from various perspectives, and the “new” human model that Ömer Seyfettin put forward is emphasized.

Ömer Seyfettin, story, state, power, people

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